Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Remarkable Journey of Prathima David: A Healing Story of Resilience and Wellness


Prathima David – Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Practitioner & Founder Of Abhisarga Yoga Shala


In a small town nestled in the quaint district of Kodagu (Coorg), Karnataka, a young girl named Prathima was introduced to the world of yoga by her nurturing mother. Growing up, she embraced a simple and humble lifestyle, and little did she know that yoga would play a pivotal role in shaping her future.

Upon finishing her PUC, Prathima steadfastly supported her family by taking up a job while pursuing her degree in the evenings. As life flowed, she spent the next 12 years excelling in the corporate sector. However, destiny had something else in store for her.

After marriage, when Prathima became a mother and decided to dedicate her time fully to her newborn baby, she yearned for a fresh start in her career. Drawing from her early exposure to yoga, she enrolled in the Yoga Teacher’s Training Course (TTC), certified by Yoga Alliance International. Little did she know that this decision would become the foundation of her remarkable journey of healing and transformation.

Recovering Against All Odds

Prathima faced challenges head-on, and her determination became her guiding light. Despite gaining weight during pregnancy, she embarked on a physical and mental journey towards wellness. Through regular yoga practice, healthy eating, and an exercise routine, she managed to shed an astonishing amount of weight – from 92 kgs to an admirable 56 kgs. Her triumph over weight loss was a testimony to her unwavering spirit and relentless pursuit of well-being.

In November 2015, fate tested Prathima again when she skidded from a two-wheeler and suffered a severe injury to her left knee, tearing her ACL ligament up to 99%. The road to recovery seemed arduous, but Prathima refused to let despair overtake her. Displaying resilience that defied all odds, she underwent a complex ACL reconstruction surgery and astounded everyone by healing herself within six months. Once again, she was back on her feet, teaching and practicing yoga with renewed vigour.

Building knee strength post-ACL surgery
Building knee strength post-ACL surgery

However, life wasn’t done testing her resilience just yet. Prathima found herself in a disheartening situation when she fell from her two-wheeler again, damaging her ACL ligament, MCL, and Meniscus in her right knee. The setback seemed insurmountable, but Prathima’s unwavering spirit prevailed. Undergoing surgery for ACL reconstruction, MCL repair, and Meniscus repair, she braved the challenges that lay before her. Armed with prior experience, she persisted in her healing journey, emerging triumphant once more.

From Teacher to Established Practitioner

Prathima’s triumphs inspired her to share her knowledge and healing abilities with others. Thus, in 2015, she began her journey as a yoga teacher, ultimately establishing her own practice space called Abhisarga Yoga Shala in 2018. Nestled in the heart of Koramangala, Bengaluru, this sanctuary became a beacon of hope and transformation for countless individuals seeking healing and wellness.

Prathima practicing yoga Asanas

As an esteemed council member of the WICCI Karnataka Yoga Council for the fourth consecutive year, Prathima upholds her commitment to promoting yoga and its countless benefits throughout her community.

An Inspiring Visionary

Prathima’s accolades and accomplishments speak volumes about her indomitable spirit. As a testament to her remarkable journey, she was crowned the 1st Runner-up and bestowed with the prestigious ‘Mrs India Pride of Nation Ravishing’ title among 1500 participants and 100 finalists from across India. Additionally, she received the coveted title of ‘Mrs Catwalk’ from renowned fashion choreographer Shie Lobo at a gala pageant.

In January 2024, Prathima completed her Masters in Yogic Sciences with a specialization in Yoga Therapy from    S-VYASA Yoga University, marking a significant milestone in her journey. Her dedication to healing others is driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make a positive impact. Prathima’s unwavering compassion, empathy, and deep sense of purpose fuel her relentless pursuit of excellence.

Her genuine desire to alleviate suffering has propelled her to help many individuals seeking solace when other methods have failed them. Through her expertise in yoga therapy, she has successfully aided individuals struggling with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, knee, neck, and back pain, migraine, sinusitis, PCOD, insomnia, and various other health conditions.

Experience the Abhisarga Difference

At Abhisarga, the regular wellness Hatha yoga classes offer a unique experience. The focus is on paying close attention to the requirements and health goals of each practitioner, ensuring that their daily asana practice is completely beneficial to them. Prathima is passionate about her work and strives to deliver this personalised experience with great care and detail.

Hatha Yoga:

Their primary offering is Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga combines various yoga postures (asanas) with breathing techniques (pranayama) to relax the body and calm the mind. Each pose is held for several breaths, and the transition between poses is smooth and synchronized with breath and movement. Hatha Yoga improves balance, flexibility, heart health, and blood flow.

Ashtanga Yoga:

Abhisarga Yoga further embraces Ashtanga Yoga, a modernized form of yoga popularized by the great K. Pattabhi Jois. With its focus on daily practice, Ashtanga Yoga stabilizes both body and mind, enhancing blood circulation, relieving joint pain, detoxifying the body, and fostering strength and lightness.  

Assisting a student in mastering Urdhva Dhanur Asana

Yoga Therapy:

Recognizing the therapeutic nature of yoga, Prathima also provides specialized therapy programs that integrate yogic interventions to address specific health concerns. These curated sessions cater to individuals with chronic medical conditions, aiming to bring about a holistic and substantial improvement in overall well-being.

Prathima during a yoga session

Pranayama (Breathing Techniques):

Abhisarga emphasizes the importance of Pranayama, the practice of controlling and manipulating breath, for relaxation of the mind and body. Pranayama has many health benefits, including improved brain function, better blood pressure management, enhanced facial luster, increased appetite, improved heart function, weight regulation, improved digestion, stress and anxiety relief, and stimulation of the nervous system.

Yoga for Relaxation:

Abhisarga offers a combination of yoga poses, deep breathing exercises, and Yoga Nidra to facilitate relaxation. By integrating these practices, it aids in alleviating tension in both the body and mind, fostering a sense of balance, serenity, and profound relaxation.

Children’s Yoga:

Nurture your child’s well-being through yoga sessions filled with creative imagination, animal postures, engaging stories, and games, instilling self-confidence, creativity, and physical development.

Children’s Yoga
Children’s Yoga

Abhisarga Yoga provides a safe and welcoming environment for individuals seeking transformation, healing, and solace. Prathima’s expertise, coupled with her compassion and sense of purpose, ensures a transformative journey towards holistic well-being.

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A post shared by Prathima David | Yoga Therapist | Founder-Abhisarga (@abhisarga_yoga)

Unlock Your Journey to Wellness

Embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery with Abhisarga Yoga. Ignite the power within you to experience holistic well-being and personal growth. Let the expert guidance of the Abhisarga Yoga team unlock your true potential and lead you towards a path of profound change in your life.

Discover the inspiring narratives of individuals who have discovered solace, healing, and personal growth through Abhisarga Yoga by visiting the Abhisarga Yoga YouTube Channel.

Source Credits: Abhisarga – Creating Yoga For You  

Ruchita Patil
Hello, I'm Ruchita 🌸 | Embracing the journey of life with grace and a touch of wanderlust | Passionate about art, culture, and all things beautiful | Firm believer in the power of universe manifestation to shape our reality | Join me on this adventure of intentional living and positive manifestation! 🌿✨ #LifeAdventures #ManifestingDreams

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