

Celebrating Holi the Eco-Friendly Way: Embracing Mindful Practices

Discover Wellness Tips for Celebrating Holi Responsibly

Holi, the festival of colours, is a time for joy and celebration, bringing people together with vibrant colours, sweet treats, and lively music. But as we embrace the festive spirit, let us also remember our responsibility towards the environment and celebrate Holi responsibly. Dharte presents mindful tips for a joyful and eco-friendly Holi celebration.

Holi, which falls on Monday, March 25 this year, is a time to cherish with family and friends, but it is also important to celebrate responsibly and sustainably, keeping in mind the harm we can cause to the environment. According to environmentalists, celebrating Holi with eco-friendly practices has a significant impact on the planet’s well-being.

Dharte brings you some mindful practices for celebrating Holi the right way:

Organic Colours: Embrace the Power of Natural Colours

Opt for organic colours instead of chemical-based colours. These are not only safe but also easy to remove from the skin, and they protect your skin from damage caused by chemical colours. You can make your own organic gulal by combining different amounts of turmeric and flower extracts.

Dry Holi: Say No to Water Wastage

Playing Holi with water balloons and pichkaris (water guns) leads to severe water wastage. Enjoy a dry Holi by using flower petals and natural colours. Not only will this save water, but it will also be a beautiful and safe experience.

Say No to Plastic: Embrace Eco-Friendly Options

Pichkaris completely made of plastic, whereas water balloons are composed of rubber and plastic. Try to avoid these accessories and choose eco-friendly options. Dharte recommends using eco-friendly balloons made from biodegradable materials.

Avoid Chemical Products: Prioritize Your Health and the Environment

Using inappropriate colours such as oil paints, fuel, dirt, or other chemical products may be dangerous to your health and the environment. It takes days to remove them completely, and they also damage your skin. Stay safe this Holi by saying no to chemical-based colours and opting for eco-friendly options.

Reduce Wastage: Embrace Sustainability

Don’t throw away leftover flowers and organic wastes. Instead, use them for composting as flowers aid in enhancing the soil’s texture by breaking down quickly into manure.

To make eco-friendly colors at home for Holi, you can use natural ingredients that are safe for the environment and skin.

Here’s how you can make them:

  1. Yellow: Mix turmeric powder with gram flour (besan) to create a vibrant yellow color.
  2. Green: Blend spinach or coriander leaves with water and strain the liquid to obtain a natural green dye.
  3. Red: Boil beetroot slices in water until the color releases, then strain the liquid to make a bright red dye.
  4. Blue: Soak blueberries in water overnight and strain the liquid to create a lovely blue color.
  5. Orange: Mix dried marigold flowers with water and strain to make a beautiful orange dye.
  6. Purple: Boil purple grapes in water and strain the liquid to obtain a rich purple color.

Remember to test the colors on a small patch of skin before using them to ensure there are no allergic reactions. Enjoy celebrating Holi with these eco-friendly colors!

Embrace the spirit of Holi while keeping the environment in mind. Celebrate sustainably and responsibly with these mindful tips from Dharte India.

Credits: bikhre_rang

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